Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What Keeps Most People Stuck In An Average Life?

By Scott Edwards

This isn't a new question; it's been around as long as people have roamed the earth. Some of the greatest minds throughout history have looked at the mechanism that holds us back - that factor of human nature that prevents us from achieving a great life.

It's a basic instinct that keeps us safe. Referred to as many things over the years - it's what you and I know as fear. You've probably heard of the 'fight or flight' reaction, an essential tool for the early human race. At its simplest level, it's what makes us jump when someone says BOO!

All of us recognise our comfort zone. When we take a step out of it, or a threat comes into it, we experience a physical reaction that enables us to either fight, or run away. We want to get back into our comfort zone as quickly as possible, so our natural default setting is to run. Our brain logs the experience as very uncomfortable, and we programme ourselves not to do it again.

But sabre tooth tigers are not really a threat to us these days, and most fear is in our heads. FEAR could be descibed as False Evidence Appearing Real. Even though the vast majority of the time the worst doesn't happen, we're brilliant at imagining that it will. By contrast, hardly any of us ever imagine the best that could happen, yet the few who do visualise their success are much more likely to achieve it.

Society has been encouraging fear for years. Ruling leaders, both political and religious, have used fear as a tool to keep control over the ages, keeping society in line. When you were little, your mum probably used it on more than one occasion! The truth is, we have a choice - between feeling the fear and do it anyway, or whimpering back and staying average.

If you want to change some things in your life you have to change some things in your life - that might sound ridiculous, but in fact what it's really saying is no problem can be solved with the same level of thinking that caused it. Any improvement you want to make will involve change.

Anything big enough to make a worthwhile change will inevitably involve doing something different and taking you out of your comfort zone, so it stands to reason you'll feel uncomfortable about the action needed. People who stay average resist change because 'it didn't feel right'. People who move on know they'll feel uncomfortable but push through the feeling and do it anyway.

Gradually start to make little changes that are outside of your comfort zone. That zone will increase as you start to build up confidence. Write down the positives and negatives of any action - analysing helps you to break down the fear.

As Shakespeare said, "Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt." Don't let your fears and doubts rob you of the good things in life.

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