Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Low Diet-The Way To Your Long Life

By Haiyan Lai-Heskin

Low diet means low fat intake in your daily life. But there is some common misunderstanding out there.

If you cut your fat intake completely, you will lack in at least one of the essential nutrients. Becuse there are six basic necessities essential for normal health in food, proteins, carbohydrates, fats (which are also manufactured by the body), vitamins, minerals, and water.

In western counties people's diet is too rich in fat as well as calories, refined sugars, starches, and oils. At the same time, it is low in essential nutriments, minerals and other vital requirements.

Life threatening diseases are caused by the excessive intake of fats. This of course can lead to the shortening of life and crippling illnesses.

The control of what we eat and fat intake in our food is the way we can control our cholestrol level. We must keep a check on the amount of fat we eat in our diet, otherwise, we can cause permanent damage to the arterial walls. The liver is largely what makes the cholesterol found in the blood in your body. But the the amount of cholesterol in your body due to the fat intake is still a very complex question.

The key to effective fat control is cutting down on the dangerous fats and increasing your intake of the good fat. The healthy fats such as polyunsaturated and Omega-3 that are abundant in foods like fish, olive oil, and avocados.

Research shows that a substantial weight reduction of about 20 pounds was achieved by both men and women on the low-fat diet, and expect to live twice as long as those who followed a regular diet.

It is very common that people on a low-fat or fat-free diet are most certainly free from heart attacks and strokes.

Concluding what and what not to eat is the correct knowledge of low diet. Eating the correct foods and on no circumstances should you starve.

Lowering your cholesterol with a low fat diet is the way to go for more energy, tighter muscles, firmer body and less bulk mass. A healthy low diet will not give you energy loss, but if you are overweight it will reduce your fat giving you lower cholesterol and making you feel much better in yourself.

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