Many people get discouraged when they decide to go to college and then find out that due to their bad credit they can not qualify for some of the standard student loans. Although it is understandable that you would be discouraged don't worry, there is a good chance that you will still qualify for loan that was designed for students with bad credit.
One of the first things that you should look into is getting a co-signer. Many parents and close relatives may be hesitant to co-sign for a car but if you are trying to go to college they are usually more receptive. Go to them with your career plans and ask them if they will co-sign on your loan applications.
Getting a co-signer with good credit will help you because the lending institution will look at their credit history and not yours. Obviously if they have a good credit history you will be able to not only get a loan but get it at a low interest rate. Getting a good co-signer is one of the best options for student loans for people with bad credit.
Another option for students with bad credit looking for student loans is to contact banks and other lending institutions and ask if there are other ways that you can finance your education. Many times they will have alternative plans for students with bad credit. The downside is that they will likely charge you a higher interest rate.
This isn't as bad as it sounds however. Since college usually takes four to five years you will have time to rebuild your credit history and when it is time to pay off your loans you can likely refinance them at a lower rate. And since you will have a better job it will be that much easier.
The next option is to apply for a combination loan. Combo loans are essentially so that you can consolidate your debt and pay a lower rate overall. If you have some debt at 12, 18, and 20 percent then once you have consolidated your loans you will likely be paying around 14 percent for the entire thing. This will help bring down the overall payment. And again if you are able to fix your credit scores then over time you can get lower and lower rates.
In case you missed it you should also apply for Stafford and Perkins loans. They are usually relatively easy to get if you have financial need. They are great because they usually have low interest rates and if you meet the qualifications then you will get it.
The number one thing to realize when applying for a student loan with bad credit is that if you keep applying you will get the resources you need at some point. There are so many different loans, loan companies, grants, and scholarships that if you are persistent you will at some point get what you need for you to go to college regardless of your current bad credit.
One of the first things that you should look into is getting a co-signer. Many parents and close relatives may be hesitant to co-sign for a car but if you are trying to go to college they are usually more receptive. Go to them with your career plans and ask them if they will co-sign on your loan applications.
Getting a co-signer with good credit will help you because the lending institution will look at their credit history and not yours. Obviously if they have a good credit history you will be able to not only get a loan but get it at a low interest rate. Getting a good co-signer is one of the best options for student loans for people with bad credit.
Another option for students with bad credit looking for student loans is to contact banks and other lending institutions and ask if there are other ways that you can finance your education. Many times they will have alternative plans for students with bad credit. The downside is that they will likely charge you a higher interest rate.
This isn't as bad as it sounds however. Since college usually takes four to five years you will have time to rebuild your credit history and when it is time to pay off your loans you can likely refinance them at a lower rate. And since you will have a better job it will be that much easier.
The next option is to apply for a combination loan. Combo loans are essentially so that you can consolidate your debt and pay a lower rate overall. If you have some debt at 12, 18, and 20 percent then once you have consolidated your loans you will likely be paying around 14 percent for the entire thing. This will help bring down the overall payment. And again if you are able to fix your credit scores then over time you can get lower and lower rates.
In case you missed it you should also apply for Stafford and Perkins loans. They are usually relatively easy to get if you have financial need. They are great because they usually have low interest rates and if you meet the qualifications then you will get it.
The number one thing to realize when applying for a student loan with bad credit is that if you keep applying you will get the resources you need at some point. There are so many different loans, loan companies, grants, and scholarships that if you are persistent you will at some point get what you need for you to go to college regardless of your current bad credit.
About the Author:
Bob helps high school kids who are looking for a bad credit student personal loan so that they can pay for school. He also shows students how to secure and find student loans with bad credit through private lenders, if they aren't able to qualify for other options.