Monday, January 26, 2009

Mistakes With Your Ex You Simply Must Not Make!

By Zena P Truscott

Mistakes with your ex! Keep making them after you have just split and you will ruin any chance you ever might of had of making up again. However unfair your break up may have seemed, however distraught and disillusioned you might be feeling right now, if you really want to get back with your loved one you really must avoid some very fatal mistakes!

The 'Fatal 5" mistakes you must avoid making with your ex at all costs are:

* Fatal Mistake With Your Ex: - Repeatedly apologising for the same thing. When you keep repeating your apology, although you feel very sincere, repetition makes an apology seem shallow. Stop apologising right now! There is a place further down the track for a sincere apology if it is due.

*Killer Mistake With Your Ex: - You must never offer to "Change for good"! Never! You cannot avoid being who you are and if you make promises you cannot uphold about becoming someone different you will really wreck your relationship when you cannot fulfil them.

*Killer Mistake With Your Ex: - Don't try and tell them you are their "one and only, true love!" You have to admit, you would not be broken up if they thought that at the moment! To take this approach is a major mistake. It is a weak move and makes you look like you will say anything to get back together. People decide who their true love is in their own way and don't appreciate in the least an ex telling them they are it!

* Fatal Mistake With Your Ex: - Don't try and blame your ex for the break up. Denying you had any part to play in the break down of your relationship is a major mistake to make with your ex. No doubt you have both done and said things you should not have during the break up, to get to the situation you are now in.

*Major Mistake with your Ex : - Are you begging your ex to take you back? If so you must stop, and stop right now! Relationships based on begging to be given another chance or to be taken back work on guilt and, is emotional blackmail. This is a major mistake with your ex because it makes you look needy and extremely clingy. They will feel suffocated by it all.

Now that you have read the list of "Fatal" mistakes you can make after a break up, how many are you making? Behavioural statistics shown that using tactics such as the five listed here will not successfully heal a relationship. In fact, they usually drive an ex further away.

The five Fatal mistakes above only serve to make a relationship breakdown more certain. You need to take positive steps towards rebuilding your relationship rather than use negative tactics such as those that are listed here.

When people have suffered through a break up but want to try to make up, the trusted guide that many people turn to is The Magic Of Making Up System. The program takes a step by step approach to give the best chance of saving a relationship. In fact, all the advice in this article has come from this program.

The author of the Magic Of Making Up System is TW Jackson. There are links below to find out more about the system and you will also be able to access a video from him with some helpful free advice if you follow the link through. With the program having helped so many people already to reconcile and get back together, hearing this advice may be exactly the help you need.

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