Monday, January 12, 2009

Flattening Lower Abs Without Ab Crunches

By Mark Roberts

Six pack abs can easily be obtained. Most 6 pack abs are not visible because the is a layer of dense fat that covers them. You could be in shape and not notice you have washboard abs because you have extra tummy fat covering defined abdominal muscles and by loosing weight they be noticed.

Ask yourself what could be gained by loosing weight? Health problems that excess weight can cause or aggravate are hypertension, diabetes, sleep apniah and many of these problems can be improved by loosing weight. You may also have washboard abs laying under that layer of tummy fat.

By toning your belly ab muscles should appear more toned to you and other people. This should make washboard abs more noticeable. By loosing belly fat and love handles ads should pot right to the surface and with a healthy diet with reduced fats and cards this could accelerate you weight loss from months to weeks.

Quite a few people do not have the ability to stick with a long term diet program because they are often too restrictive or hard to follow or cook for and when throwing in the commitment of exercise it is just too much. Consider things in moderation and find ways to reduce calories while eating healthy.

Consider reducing carbohydrates, sugars and calories to reach your weight loss goal. Try eating more meals during the day but much less at each sitting. Drink plenty of water to help feel full and this should also help eliminate toxins during dieting.

The best way to lose weight its to reduce dietary fats. Purchase low fat versions of your prepared foods and even consider eating less of it. Eat more salads and uncooked vegetables and fruits. It it is processed consider preparing the food item itself.

Familiarize yourself with a BMI chart or Body Mass Index Chart. This chart is a fairly accurate picture of your overall body fat but may be a little inaccurate based on current research if your extremely athletic.

Six pack abs are not a myth as some would lead you to believe it just takes some discipline. Removing the tummy fat just helps display 6 pack abs better. With a little discipline and diet changes you could be showing off your ripped abs.

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