Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Home Remedies for Yeast Infections - A Safe, Natural Cure

By Brittany Masklee

Maybe you can relate to this scenario. Have you even went in to see your doctor, only to be told that your yeast infection is officially "chronic" and that it's something you're always going to have to deal with? It's both sad an scary that with all the amazing things that doctor's can do, they haven't clue about how to cure seemingly simple things.

One day, I asked myself an innocent question: "What home remedies for yeast infections did people use before modern medicine existed?"

If you look at it from that perspective, it makes perfect sense. You didn't have half the world running around with chronic yeast infections back then. People had a way of dealing with the problem. So what was it?

Finding the answer to what seemed like such a simple question was harder than I thought it would be. To explain it in detail would take a small book, but the short version is that you must always keep two things in mind concerning any kinds of home remedies - not just for yeast infections:

1. Drug companies are not allowed to secure a patent on anything that is considered to be "natural".

2. Western medicine actually depends on you staying sick and coming back for more medicine.


After what seemed like forever, I did manage to finally find some home remedies for yeast infections. I have now been free of these recurring problems for nearly a year now after repeatedly suffering from them every few months for the past several years.

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