Thursday, January 8, 2009

Six Things To Help Prepare A Toddler For A New Sibling

By Terry Stanfield

The arrival of a new baby is an exciting time for the whole family and can be challenging for parents of toddlers. Young children who are expecting a new sibling can experience anxiety, jealousy, and other negative feelings which are very common. There are many things you can do to prepare your toddler for a new baby.

If your toddler is anxious about the arrival of a new sibling there are many things you can do to alleviate their fears and make the transition easier for them. Here are six tips for preparing your toddler for a new sibling.

Don't tell them too early that you are expecting a new baby. Toddlers do not have a good grasp on time and will no usually understand that a new baby will be coming in nine months. Wait until it is obvious that you are expecting and then explain that there is a baby on the way.

Get your toddler involved in the pregnancy. Have your toddler feel your belly, accompany you to prenatal visits, and sonograms to make the idea of having a baby more concrete.

You should also involve your toddler in planning for your new baby. Let them pick out some items for the new baby and help to decorate the baby's room or get the house ready for your new arrival.

Make sure you make your toddler feel special while bust preparing for the new baby. Allow them to get a new special item to celebrate the new baby if the baby has many new things in the house.

Set aside a special time for your toddler every day, just a few minutes just for the two of you when you do something fun. Continue with your special routine and make sure they know that the baby will not change your special time.

Have your child pick out a special gift for the new baby that can be from them to the baby so that they feel like they are an important part of welcoming their new sibling. Allow your toddler to interact with the baby so that they feel important as well, but do not push the interaction or force them to help.

A new sibling is an exciting time for children. Toddlers can have trouble adjusting to a new baby but giving them one on one attention and involving them with their new sibling can help to ease the transition.

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