Sunday, January 18, 2009

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and its link to the stress response

By Russell Stubbs

How do Fatigue Conditions start?

There are a number of different factors in the development of Fatigue related conditions. Viruses, bacterial infections, operations, vaccinations, etc. can all be triggers. This can lead to the development of Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome (PVFS), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and Fibromyalgia (FM). The cause can also be attributed to a stressful incident or time in a persons life. The common factor in all of theses cases is that the sufferer's system is under stress.

What is happening when we are under stress?

As a result of entering this state we produce a cocktail of chemicals - including cortisol, adrenalin and noradrenalin. This powerful group of chemicals is also produced during the fight or flight response - this is the natural process that is triggered in reaction to a threat - either real or perceived.

What physiological changes take place during fight or flight?

The sympathetic branch of the nervous system is responsible for a number of changes. Blood pressure and heart rate increase in order to bring additional fuel to the major muscles groups. Thyroid and blood sugar levels are affected. Functions that aren't essential including digestion and immune system are shut down to allow increased energy for emergency systems.

Where's the connection between the stress response and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

The initial virus, bug, trauma, vaccination etc. has already under put the system under stress. If there were other stressors present or the person was run-down at the time, the recovery period could be prolonged. If the recovery is slow this can be a cause for concern, which results in more stress. The immune system, which is already challenged becomes depleted, further slowing the process of recovery.

Seeking Help

Sufferers typically seek help from their doctors who run tests for other ailments. The test results are negative but the symptoms persist. Sufferers often try alternative approaches. Sometimes these give temporary relief, but once again the symptoms return. People can easily lose trust in their body and energy levels. This further entrenches the stress - symptom - stress pattern.

Stress response over the long-term

When subjected to the stress response over the long-term the system becomes depleted. The chemistry that we produce in order to help us out of danger becomes toxic, depleting the immune system and disrupting most other bodily systems. Prolonged activation can cause adrenalin levels to become depleted. This dysregulation of stress chemistry causes more fatigue and physical symptoms.

Can it be all in the mind?

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is certainly not all in the mind. It's a physical and debilitating illness affecting most bodily systems. However, purely physical approaches to recovery, or those that focus on specific symptoms rarely work. We need to recognize that the mechanisms that trigger these physiological responses are very much a part of the mind. Until these patterns are addressed, full recovery over the long term is unlikely.

Breaking the cycle

Breaking free of these cycles is possible and can happen relatively quickly, given the right tools. The length of the recovery time, fortunately, is not relative to the duration of the illness. What's required is an insight into the damaging unconscious cycles that are in place, along with an understanding of the connection between mind and body. New physical and cognitive approaches can then be used in order to positively influence health and bring balance to the system.

You are not broken!

People with fatigue conditions typically feel flawed or broken in some way. This is not the case, although the physical symptoms can be so severe that it feels as if it is so. Our health is incredibly buoyant, we just need to discover what is in the way. Once we redress the balance we create the opportunity for energy to return and symptoms to naturally resolve.

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