Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Natural Remedies For Chronic Bronchitis

By Amy Cheung

Recent estimates has pegged the number of persons afflicted with chronic bronchitis more than seven million in United States alone.

Listed underneath are few natural remedies to mollify chronic bronchitis and help avoid exacerbations. Just a word of advice prior to starting any of the natural remedies consult with your doctor.

Increase the Ingestion of Vitamins and Minerals

One method to effectively combat the deleterious effects of chronic inflammatory response is to promote healing of the bronchi by increasing intake of vitamins A and vitamin C. clinical studies has shown doses of 5000IU vitamin A and 1000 mgs of Vitamin C as giving beneficial effects during severe episodes in patients suffering from chronic bronchitis. Another group of researchers have found a beneficial effect between cayenne pepper and bronchitis.


Use of various aromatic oils possessing eucalyptus extracts and oils as a base, is also said to give beneficial effects in persons afflicted with chronic bronchitis, the basis of this therapy is the positive effect of steam and fragrant oils which lead to widening of the bronchi as a result of moisture which also affects the thickness of cough and after such a session it can be easily cleared out.


Like many other lung conditions there has been found a correlation between bronchitis and diet and there are some foods that are a strict no no, at the very top of the list are dairy products. Foods considered fit for eating comprise of cayenne pepper and its supplements, Vitamins specifically Vitamin A, C, E for their anti free radical and antibacterial properties.


One of themethods to achieverespite from chronic troubles is to use herbs, naturally occurring herbs and plants form the basis of ancient Indian and Chinese medicinal therapies. Herbs that can be used are easy to procure and include thyme, eucalyptus, ginko, echinacea tincture to name a few. boil each herb with hot water pass through a colander and drink the water for beneficial effects, steam inhalations with these herbs can also helpmove sticky mucus plugs.

Exercises and Breathing

Increasing numbers of patients suffering from chronic bronchitis are finding relief by following some or different form of exercise regimens. This method helps by improving vp ratio by expanding the chest wall as a result of enhanced physical activity levels even the Pa 02 indicators show a marked improvement. Those suffering can choose from a variety of respiratory exercises ranging from protocols as simple as running and correct stretching to complex ways like yogic asnas and tai chi. A recent survey found decreased use of bronchodilators in those following regular exercise technique.

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