Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Magic Key to Prosperity

By Oc Remillard

Poverty is not our birthright. There is plenty of everything in the universe so that everyone can have more than enough. Plenty and happiness are the natural intentions of the Universe for us. Prosperity is nothing new in nature. Yet, somehow along the line, we have been taught that the veil of tears is what we deserve and should learn to expect.

The reality is that our every wish is it's command. Unfortunately, most of our wishes come from our subconscious which is rerunning all the old, negative programs pumped into us by tired, frustrated parents, schools and churches.

The hard thing to accept is that I am the author of my problems. The part of me that I am conscious of wants and sees need. The subconscious, powerful part of me keeps reminding the source that I am not worthy, that I am bad, that if I get something, someone else will have to do without. So, I do without.

If there were one word to be used to describe how the average person feels, Id have to say it is loser. We dont feel we have the right job, income, mate, physique or anything else for that matter.

It doesnt seem to matter what we have accomplished in life. We seem to be trained from early on that we are never enough. Rich pop stars suicide, the average person groans under heavy loads of mediocrity and the poor languish in slums. Prosperity and happiness, it seems, are elusive.

Yes, you are not alone. Most people would give a lot to be in someone elses shoes. The grass truly does seem greener.

There is plenty of activity out there regarding this new movement in thought. Pursue it. You will come to understand that nothing can stand in the way of your manifesting the life you want except those circumstances, places, things and people that YOU allow in (or that you allow in unconsciously!). Master this concept and the world is yours.

Perhaps the hardest thing I had to wrap my head around was the fact that this process of creation can work against you. If I go to a mall on a no limit-shopping spree and order a large diamond, I will get a large diamond. If my mind orders a toilet seat, it'll get that instead. I shouldn't be asking "What's with the toilet seat when I have a diamond mentality?"

If you observe closely, you will see that your thoughts attract things like them like moths attracted to a bright light. This occurs every time. It is a rule of nature.

For the longest time, prosperity was something that could be gauged by the balance of the checking account or the number of cylinders in the car. Debacles in business and finance in the last few years cast a long shadow on what is really worthwhile.

As long as I rely on others for my prosperity, I will be at the mercy of whatever whim the world takes. Once I have mastered the art of creation in my life, nothing can stand in the way of my success and happiness.

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