Friday, January 23, 2009

The Causes Of Yeast Overgrowth

By Jennifer King

Yeast infections in women are caused for a number of reasons. This article will focus on 3 causes, and help educate you in learning what may be causing your infections Chronic yeast infections now affect 5% of women world wide, and there is always a causes to every infection.

Sugar consumption

The Candida Albicans yeast loves sugar! Candida also like feeding on most refined carbohydrates. Our modern diet that is filled with sugar and refined carbohydrates creates a perfect environment in our intestines to help the Candida mutate into a fungus. The Candida drives you to crave the things that feed it best. People with systemic Candida infection often crave foods such as sugar and white bread. Cola based sodas and alcohol can result in chronic vaginal yeast infections for some women.


A vagina is filled with bacteria and other organisms that help to keep the environment inside of it a healthy one. The balance of these maintains a normal acidity in the vagina and acts to prevent overgrowth of specific organisms, leading to symptoms of a vaginal infection. Douching not only disturbs the normal vaginal environment, but the ingredients in most commercial douches kill off the healthy bacteria in the vagina to begin with-causing yeast infections in women. It is for these reasons gynecologists generally do not recommended this practice. The vagina naturally cleanses itself.


Perfumes, dyes, detergents, and inks have a huge impact on causing yeast infections in women-a cause that women widely overlook. An allergic reaction to chemicals once again, upset the vaginal eco-system. The list is endless for the many products we use on a daily basis: perfumed toilet papers, fabric softeners, synthetic underwear containing dyes, fragrance-laced laundry detergents, perfumed and scented soaps, bubble baths, perfumed bath salts, feminine deodorant sprays, scented tampons and sanitary pads, etc, etcThis isn't all bad news as there are plenty of alternatives you can use when it concerns anything that can cause you to suffer from recurrent yeast infections.

Education is getting more important for women to make informed decisions regarding causes for yeast infections: These decisions will help you to prevent any infections in the future.

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