They say that -- The largest organ in the body is the skin! -- and it's true! It's also true that men have thicker skin than women therefore feminine skin seems to age more easily than men's do because women's skin is thinner. In addition, the biggest factors that age the skin of both men and women and cause wrinkles are smoking, free radicals, and excessive sun exposure. Our inner health and wellness reflect in our skin as well.
It is a proven fact that stress is a major cause of sickness and disease. Stress may be caused by trauma in your childhood where you could not express your emotions and it has carried over into your present life. If we can reduce stress then we can improve your natural radiance and health. Just by doing a little homework you can create a healthy lifestyle.
Repressed frustration, anger, bitterness, and judgments about your job, your relationships (or lack of a relationship), or even the world situation cause stress at a deep level in the muscle tissue. This could be a major reason for the body to put on wrinkles and lines in the face or even the beginnings of the disease called Fibromyalgia. The stress of repressed frustrations is often under many name brand diseases.
Meditation, exercise, therapy, and Reiki energy clearing are four ways to lessen stress. Transcendental meditation or as commonly called "TM" has given significantly positive results in some peoples' appearance, health and well-being. Just going for a walk after a stressful time can give your new life.
When you connect with your inner being (the spiritual force within) you are helping establish a harmonious relationship with the feeling, health and development of your body.
To summarize, getting a full night's sleep is essential to beauty and good health. It is optimal to go to bed at the same time every night. When you count the hours that you have in bed - eight hours are best. Given these facts it is easy to see that if you have to get up early some morning then try to go to bed earlier the night before. Overall, it does not make good sense to stay up late when you know you have to arise extra early the next day.
In essence, it is healthy to eat fresh foods that you prepare yourself. Cook the food very little if any because you need the life force and enzymes that are found naturally stored in fresh live food. Commercially processed food does not supply proper nutrition for your body.
Looking Forward to Life - It Shows in your Complexion. You can look younger, feel healthier, and brighten the depth of your spirit through simple, enjoyable methods.
It is a proven fact that stress is a major cause of sickness and disease. Stress may be caused by trauma in your childhood where you could not express your emotions and it has carried over into your present life. If we can reduce stress then we can improve your natural radiance and health. Just by doing a little homework you can create a healthy lifestyle.
Repressed frustration, anger, bitterness, and judgments about your job, your relationships (or lack of a relationship), or even the world situation cause stress at a deep level in the muscle tissue. This could be a major reason for the body to put on wrinkles and lines in the face or even the beginnings of the disease called Fibromyalgia. The stress of repressed frustrations is often under many name brand diseases.
Meditation, exercise, therapy, and Reiki energy clearing are four ways to lessen stress. Transcendental meditation or as commonly called "TM" has given significantly positive results in some peoples' appearance, health and well-being. Just going for a walk after a stressful time can give your new life.
When you connect with your inner being (the spiritual force within) you are helping establish a harmonious relationship with the feeling, health and development of your body.
To summarize, getting a full night's sleep is essential to beauty and good health. It is optimal to go to bed at the same time every night. When you count the hours that you have in bed - eight hours are best. Given these facts it is easy to see that if you have to get up early some morning then try to go to bed earlier the night before. Overall, it does not make good sense to stay up late when you know you have to arise extra early the next day.
In essence, it is healthy to eat fresh foods that you prepare yourself. Cook the food very little if any because you need the life force and enzymes that are found naturally stored in fresh live food. Commercially processed food does not supply proper nutrition for your body.
Looking Forward to Life - It Shows in your Complexion. You can look younger, feel healthier, and brighten the depth of your spirit through simple, enjoyable methods.
About the Author:
Juanita A. Davenport offers tips for healthy skin. Rediscover optimum health and learn the power of alternative healing
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